Charmed Podcast

Welcome to the Charmed Podcast! The Podcast for the television show Charmed on The WB.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Finally! The Intro is here!

All right, so between all the busy regular stuff in my schedule and the cold that never ends... I've just fallen way behind. But here I am, and I'm finally at work for you guys!

It's the CharmedCast official Intro! It's under ten minutes, and it's ready to go! You just need to download and enjoy.

Mostly this is just me introducing myself and talking a bit about what this cast will be about. I recorded it last Thursday and I had all the intentions to get things rolling... but between Halloween and my laptop deciding to give me heart palpatations, now it's Tuesday... but things APPEAR (knock on wood anyone???) to be OK and ready to get moving. Thank goodness!

Now we just have to hope I can get bloger here to act properly with the enclosures!! If so then I'll go work on the next episode which will hopefully be able to come out soon! I'm ready to bang out a bunch to catch up... should all work... hehe

Stay Charmed all!

--Lady Ozma


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